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WATCH NOW: Season 2, Episode 3, December 16: KnowFOOD-AI: Artificial Intelligence cyberinfrastructure for food and food systems
How can we get AI into the hands of the public?
The National Science Foundation (NSF) recently announced a $20M investment for a new AI Institute dedicated to building reusable cyberinfrastructure and making AI available to more people. Driving development of this infrastructure are three use cases directly associated with food systems: digital agriculture, smart foodsheds, and animal ecology.
KnowFOOD will hear from three key leaders from this new NSF institute known as ICICLE (Intelligent Cyberinfrastructure with Computational Learning in the Environment). Combining the efforts of 75+ academic researchers and staff scientists from 13 organizations, ICICLE’s mission is to democratize AI by creating a plug-and-play architecture that anyone can use--just like the power, water, and internet grids so many people already rely on.
DK Panda, Lead Principal Investigator (PI) for the ICICLE institute, will join us to introduce the Institute and explain its core goals and value propositions for the food system. Dr. Panda is a Professor and Distinguished Scholar of Computer Science at the Ohio State University and quoted as being “the world’s leader in high performance computing (HPC) and particularly developing intelligent adaptive HPC”.
Then we will be joined by FSL's Patrick Huber, who is lead for the Smart Foodsheds use case in ICICLE. Dr. Huber is an expert in spatial analytics, and developing tools and methods to support land-use decision-making.
We’ll also welcome Beth Plale. Dr. Plale is the Executive Director of Pervasive Technology Institute, Founder and Director of the Data To Insight Center, and Michael A and Laurie Burns McRobbie Bicentennial Professor of Computer Engineering--all at Indiana University Bloomington (IU). Prof. Plale is an expert in AI research infrastructure, AI accountability, and open science and reproducibility, with a core focus of making data from research available for broader use.
KnowFOOD co-hosts:
Matthew Lange, Food informatician and President/Co-founder of IC-FOODS
Courtney Riggle, Researcher with Food Systems Lab at UC Davis, and Co-founder of IC-FOODS