
We have created a series of webinars to explain the work of the Sustainable Sourcing Project.

Project Background webinar

Indicator Identification and Project Tools webinar

Minimum Covering Set webinar

Platform Comparison webinar

Demo: Generating a Sustainability Checklist

Demo: Generating a Sustainability Checklist (long version with full demo)

Project Background

The webinar originally aired October 15, 2012.


Indicator Identification and Project Tools

Learn more about the Sustainable Sourcing project's indicators and tools by watching the following webinar, which took place in November 2012.


Download a copy of the webinar slides and transcript.

Minimum Covering Set webinar

Learn about the minimum covering set tool developed as part of the Sustainable Sourcing project as a way to create manageable indicator sets that represent a selected set of sustainability issues.


Platform Comparison webinar

Learn about the different efforts in progress to help improve the sourcing of agricultural materials, and see how ASI's project fits into that landscape.


Demo: Generating a Sustainability Checklist

Learn about our process to narrow down the sustainability issues related to different agricultural materials, and how we link those issues with attainable ways to measure them.


Long version with full demo: